08.21.2024 | Webcasts & Podcasts


Join Stephen Marcus, Jake Marcus, and Special Guest, Bill Finnegan, President and CEO of Coventry Lumber, part of Finetco family of lumberyards

In recent weeks, there have been significant changes to laws as it relates to Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADUs, which is at the forefront of the housing innovation wave.  ADUs are small, independent living units that are inside, attached to, or detached but on the same parcel as a primary residence – have the potential to address a variety of housing-related challenges like affordability, equity, and environmental issues.  And because ADUs generally are small infill units, they can achieve these gains without significantly altering the character of existing residential neighborhoods.  A recent Massachusetts amendment to the Zoning Act now states that “no zoning ordinance or bylaw shall prohibit, unreasonably restrict, or require a single permit or other discretionary zoning approval for the use of land or structures for a single accessory dwelling, or rental thereof, in a single-family residential zoning district.”

The legislature effectively allows for ADUs “as of right”, which is no longer subject to discretionary zoning approvals.  And, in the condominium, HOA, or townhouse context, owners could likely rent out their garage or ADU structures if the governing documents do not state otherwise.

As such, in this segment of the Marcus Hour, we will discuss best practices related to the creation and regulation of ADUs as it relates to the new zoning amendment, while also discussing Bill Finnegan’s involvement in building a ADU on properties, which includes providing customers with basic design packets containing elevations, basic dimensions, floor plans, and basic kitchen design.  Bill Finnegan and his team has significant experience in facilitating the design project, designating preferred contractors who are familiar with the process, and providing a timeline to construct ADUs appropriately.


00:00:00.050 –> 00:00:00.690
Jake Marcus: Yeah.

00:00:03.100 –> 00:00:04.150
Jake Marcus: okay.

00:00:04.150 –> 00:00:07.949
Stephen Marcus: Are starting to filter into the

00:00:08.250 –> 00:00:10.733
Stephen Marcus: the room they were in the waiting room. So

00:00:11.750 –> 00:00:16.329
Stephen Marcus: take we’ll get things going here, or he’ll give him a couple of minutes.

00:00:16.490 –> 00:00:17.059
Jake Marcus: Give him a second.

00:00:17.060 –> 00:00:17.430
Stephen Marcus: That’s a.

00:00:17.430 –> 00:00:17.800
Jake Marcus: Yeah.

00:00:17.800 –> 00:00:18.150
Stephen Marcus: There it is!

00:00:18.150 –> 00:00:18.869
Jake Marcus: I think.

00:00:19.270 –> 00:00:21.320
Jake Marcus: Line up, out, out the door.

00:00:21.640 –> 00:00:24.459
Stephen Marcus: Billy, your son’s listening in.

00:00:25.020 –> 00:00:26.610
Bill Finnegan: I assume they’re going to be

00:00:26.710 –> 00:00:28.160
Bill Finnegan: joining in. Yep.

00:00:28.750 –> 00:00:29.290
Stephen Marcus: Yeah.

00:00:29.290 –> 00:00:31.109
Bill Finnegan: They registered, or or

00:00:32.080 –> 00:00:33.450
Bill Finnegan: yeah, alright.

00:00:35.030 –> 00:00:35.870
Jake Marcus: Excellent.

00:00:36.470 –> 00:00:44.589
Jake Marcus: Alright. So we were just chit chatting, but we’re ready to get going on. Episode 18 of the Marcus hour

00:00:44.880 –> 00:01:08.560
Jake Marcus: that we’ve an exciting one today, a very relevant topic to the accessory dwelling units and kind of its interplay with what we’ve been seeing in Massachusetts. What we’ve been seeing with condos and hoas and what our guest today has seen in Rhode Island, and and what he’s been doing with his company as a way to stay ahead of the curve with

00:01:08.560 –> 00:01:37.569
Jake Marcus: with what’s happening in the in the accessory dwelling unit or adu industry. So, without further ado or without further adu I present to you our 2 guest or our guests today. On top of our our regular panel of of the Marcus sauer of myself, Jake, Marcus and and the the famous Stephen Marcus and we today have Bill Finnegan

00:01:37.670 –> 00:01:39.410
Jake Marcus: Bill. Thanks for joining.

00:01:39.410 –> 00:01:43.090
Bill Finnegan: Absolutely thanks for letting me join you. Yeah, talk.

00:01:43.090 –> 00:01:43.720
Jake Marcus: As well

00:01:44.080 –> 00:01:56.709
Jake Marcus: so should be, should be a good conversation about all the developments we’ve been seeing. Again per usual. Feel free to drop in any questions, as the as the kind of seminar goes on.

00:01:57.190 –> 00:01:59.999
Jake Marcus: just to give you a background on, on kind of what

00:02:00.030 –> 00:02:09.150
Jake Marcus: what we do where Alcock and Marcus a full service condo and Hoa specialty firm, but also wades into other areas of

00:02:09.680 –> 00:02:30.389
Jake Marcus: real estate and development. Land use. Zoning is also included in that, and there has been a lot of zoning changes to the Massachusetts law recently. We practice in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Florida, Maine, and New Hampshire today we’ll mostly be talking about.

00:02:30.774 –> 00:02:51.555
Jake Marcus: We’ll discuss all 5 States, but we’ll mostly be discussing the new zoning developments in in Massachusetts as it relates to adus or accessory dwelling units as well as what we’ll kind of touch on touch on what’s happened in Rhode Island, and what what Bill has seen in Rhode Island.

00:02:52.200 –> 00:02:56.089
Jake Marcus: so let’s get to. I want to share my screen. Just so we have the

00:02:56.740 –> 00:03:00.139
Jake Marcus: the, the Powerpoint. We’re going to be presenting today.

00:03:03.190 –> 00:03:10.392
Jake Marcus: and so this is the this is who we got today. We got Bill Finnegan, president and CEO of Coventry lumber

00:03:10.950 –> 00:03:15.169
Jake Marcus: which is a is is it a branch of Finetco Bill?

00:03:15.170 –> 00:03:22.540
Bill Finnegan: Yes, Finet Co. Is the parent company, if you will, and we have we operate Coventry lumber in Coventry, Rhode Island.

00:03:22.620 –> 00:03:27.509
Bill Finnegan: Eel Morse, and Wareham, Mass. And Westhaven lumber in Westhaven, Connecticut.

00:03:27.850 –> 00:03:32.089
Bill Finnegan: So all all 3 of those lumber yards operate under the Finetco

00:03:32.240 –> 00:03:33.510
Bill Finnegan: flag. If you will.

00:03:33.980 –> 00:03:42.359
Jake Marcus: And for those who might not know what what a lumber yard is, can you? I mean, I’m sure most people do hopefully. But can you just describe what a lumber yard is?

00:03:42.360 –> 00:03:46.669
Bill Finnegan: Sure, we we work with custom home builders, developers.

00:03:48.010 –> 00:03:49.270
Bill Finnegan: homeowners.

00:03:49.640 –> 00:03:59.919
Bill Finnegan: And we do. We? We offer basically everything from the foundation up from siding windows, roofing, flooring, interior doors, kitchen design.

00:03:59.950 –> 00:04:03.610
Bill Finnegan: engineering support for roof trusses and floor systems.

00:04:03.680 –> 00:04:06.160
Bill Finnegan: exterior decking and railings.

00:04:06.360 –> 00:04:10.720
Bill Finnegan: Basically everything you would need for for building or renovating

00:04:10.800 –> 00:04:11.380
Bill Finnegan: a

00:04:12.230 –> 00:04:15.559
Bill Finnegan: a construction project from the foundation up.

00:04:15.980 –> 00:04:18.779
Jake Marcus: Excellent, and you’ve recently been

00:04:18.829 –> 00:04:21.750
Jake Marcus: doing things with with adus correct.

00:04:21.750 –> 00:04:27.260
Bill Finnegan: Yes, we. We had an interest over the last couple of years. Increased interest in adus

00:04:27.652 –> 00:04:30.580
Bill Finnegan: which is, you know, as we all know just a

00:04:30.680 –> 00:04:43.090
Bill Finnegan: a label that’s been put on a, a, an additional home or a structure on a property. So we’ve been dealing with those for years. But with the label of Adu and trying to streamline that process we’ve

00:04:43.260 –> 00:04:45.640
Bill Finnegan: we’ve been trying to get ahead of that curve.

00:04:46.370 –> 00:04:47.240
Jake Marcus: Excellent.

00:04:47.770 –> 00:05:02.299
Jake Marcus: that’s good to know. Yes, and we’ll be discussing kind of the best practice best best practices as well as kind of next steps in the implementation of and regulation of of adus, and what we can kind of see going forward.

00:05:02.665 –> 00:05:22.050
Jake Marcus: and and what at least in W. We’ll be discussing, you know generally about adus what the new law means. But we’ll also be discussing the interplay with condos or hoas, and and we’ll, we’ll kind of get into. Yeah. The different types of adus. What types of adus that?

00:05:22.535 –> 00:05:43.354
Jake Marcus: That that Coventry lumber offers? As part of their package and kind of what the process is in creating an adu at your property. And and and I think, as far as condos. What the biggest thing we’ll want to kind of be discussing is. How do you regulate? How do you? What, what are your what are your kind of

00:05:43.670 –> 00:05:57.120
Jake Marcus: How do you make sure it’s done right? How do you make sure that you’re not overstepping or prohibiting outside of the law? And kind of just getting into, especially as as this, these adus become more accessible.

00:05:58.239 –> 00:06:03.780
Jake Marcus: So the next slide and there’s you, Bill, your your mug shot right here.

00:06:04.550 –> 00:06:14.430
Jake Marcus: if you want to reach out to Bill directly we have his contact information. B finnegan@phonetco.net also can reach out to Ryan. That’s your son. Correct.

00:06:14.810 –> 00:06:15.599
Bill Finnegan: Yes, I have.

00:06:15.600 –> 00:06:16.209
Stephen Marcus: You know.

00:06:16.210 –> 00:06:19.710
Bill Finnegan: I. I have 3 sons in the business. Shawn Ryan and Evan and

00:06:20.530 –> 00:06:23.589
Bill Finnegan: Ryan is is the one primarily focused in sales.

00:06:24.130 –> 00:06:25.489
Jake Marcus: Very good. No.

00:06:25.530 –> 00:06:26.630
Jake Marcus: and I’ve been.

00:06:26.630 –> 00:06:28.880
Bill Finnegan: Lacroix. Dan Lacroix is

00:06:28.960 –> 00:06:39.950
Bill Finnegan: on our executive management team, and he handles all he’s our main point of contact for the adu initiative that we have going on, and he works out of the corporate office in Coventry, Rhode Island.

00:06:40.180 –> 00:06:59.700
Jake Marcus: Excellent. Okay, so th those will be your your people to go to, as far as you know, learning more about what what goes into these adus and and kind of the the process in in in in getting one in your on your property, or figuring out how it can be regulated on your property. So.

00:06:59.820 –> 00:07:02.987
Stephen Marcus: Jay, could I take a like a

00:07:03.560 –> 00:07:05.472
Stephen Marcus: small step back?

00:07:06.110 –> 00:07:07.250
Jake Marcus: Go right ahead!

00:07:07.250 –> 00:07:11.070
Stephen Marcus: Okay, thanks, Jake. So

00:07:11.850 –> 00:07:17.199
Stephen Marcus: affordable housing units and housing units in general.

00:07:18.026 –> 00:07:20.969
Stephen Marcus: If we take Massachusetts.

00:07:22.020 –> 00:07:39.699
Stephen Marcus: I I think the, we’re like a hundred, 75,000, or 250,000 units short of where we where we should be across the country. There are

00:07:39.700 –> 00:07:55.946
Stephen Marcus: issues depending on the State with, a lack of housing both affordable and and market rate. And in addition to that, we have people

00:07:57.150 –> 00:08:21.740
Stephen Marcus: either when they retire, are on fixed incomes, or to keep, say, in a specific town firefighters and teachers, so that they can afford to to live in the town that they work the idea of additional income, or an expanded family in our

00:08:21.740 –> 00:08:30.649
Stephen Marcus: departments, etc. Has come up as one way of states dealing with local government.

00:08:30.730 –> 00:08:39.679
Stephen Marcus: So what we’re talking about today, we’re looking at today is really sort of a crystal ball. So

00:08:39.830 –> 00:08:52.079
Stephen Marcus: what the Legislature, for example, in Massachusetts, passed couple of weeks ago. In the earlier morning hours of the last day of July. So last day of legislative session.

00:08:52.917 –> 00:08:58.660
Stephen Marcus: Was a law that prohibits cities and towns

00:08:58.680 –> 00:09:05.299
Stephen Marcus: from restricting ad use under certain circumstances.

00:09:05.600 –> 00:09:34.849
Stephen Marcus: So we just want to make it clear at the beginning, that the law, for example, in Massachusetts, is not the law or a law that says that a condominium unit owner and a 10 story high rise is able to start building out enough that your condominium documents are gonna detail, what can be done and can’t be done?

00:09:35.423 –> 00:09:59.929
Stephen Marcus: But we think that over time the developers may come in with products that do have these adu units. And now we’re thinking of not just condominiums. But think of homeowner associations and property owner associations and land owner associations where each owner owns their lot, and there is the ability to expand.

00:09:59.930 –> 00:10:08.619
Stephen Marcus: So we figured something that for your crystal ball that you should at least be aware of.

00:10:08.620 –> 00:10:22.520
Stephen Marcus: because eventually, these things seem to affect private agreements, such as Condominium Associations and homeowner associations

00:10:22.690 –> 00:10:24.070
Stephen Marcus: back to you, Jake.

00:10:24.750 –> 00:10:48.210
Jake Marcus: Yep, absolutely. So that’s a that’s a good good backdrop. I think. Adus, yeah, no matter what you call them, whether it’s in law, in law houses, whether it’s whether it’s second units accessory apartments the the expansion of them has been tremendous over the last

00:10:49.010 –> 00:10:50.919
Jake Marcus: the last kind of.

00:10:50.950 –> 00:10:57.590
Jake Marcus: I guess, few years definitely, but has been ex extending for

00:10:57.650 –> 00:11:23.109
Jake Marcus: for for years and years. There was actually a case study by Community Association Institute. Cai providing some insight as to what has led to, you know the response of the suburban sprawl, the the socioeconomic demographics, the the different changes across the across regions that have led to to this kind of

00:11:23.688 –> 00:11:30.539
Jake Marcus: this kind of venture but yeah, I I guess to take an even

00:11:30.780 –> 00:11:56.499
Jake Marcus: to dumb it down even more, or take it down a step even more is what are what are adus? Small, independent living units that are inside attached to or detached, but on the same parcel as a primary residence, they have the potential to address a variety of housing, related challenges like affordability, equity and environmental issues. Moreover, because adus generally are small infill units.

00:11:56.500 –> 00:12:06.699
Jake Marcus: they can achieve these gains without significantly altering the character of existing residential neighborhoods. So that’s kind of why, we we at least see it as

00:12:07.640 –> 00:12:23.939
Jake Marcus: a a a chance. Where condos and hoas and community associations really are are at the at the forefront of this, and it’s really prevalent in in condos and hoas and and in town homes.

00:12:24.430 –> 00:12:35.601
Jake Marcus: yeah. And and as as the as the definition kind of mentioned. They could be interior they could be attached to. They could be detached but they’re on the same property.

00:12:36.310 –> 00:12:44.761
Jake Marcus: so you wouldn’t see them as much in a high rise. But but you could see them in in more sprawling especially suburban areas.

00:12:45.500 –> 00:12:49.449
Jake Marcus: typically the the most, the most often

00:12:49.490 –> 00:13:01.210
Jake Marcus: and correct me if I’m wrong here, Bill, where you see these is, is typically an an Attic garage or basement, or just land that’s adjacent to the to the property. Is that correct?

00:13:01.210 –> 00:13:03.959
Bill Finnegan: Yeah, most of the ones that we’ve seen have been

00:13:04.735 –> 00:13:08.489
Bill Finnegan: either additions onto an existing home

00:13:09.340 –> 00:13:15.220
Bill Finnegan: or a separate dwelling on the property. No, you know what what we have been.

00:13:15.480 –> 00:13:17.849
Bill Finnegan: A lot of our contractors deal with

00:13:18.100 –> 00:13:31.779
Bill Finnegan: garage renovations or Attic renovations or basement renovations, but we would not. We wouldn’t label that as an adu on on what we’ve done so far. But so most of the involvement we’ve had have been those separate units.

00:13:32.170 –> 00:13:34.210
Jake Marcus: Got it. No, that makes sense.

00:13:35.110 –> 00:13:42.560
Jake Marcus: What what area I mean. I know you’re you’re in Rhode Island. Have. Have you done much in mass yet? Or is that still kind of new or.

00:13:42.560 –> 00:14:02.569
Bill Finnegan: No, that that’s that’s been. Again. The the label adu is is new. We we’ve done additions on properties and and renovations for for years at all of our locations, but as it as an adu labeled project we have not. We have not had

00:14:02.610 –> 00:14:05.309
Bill Finnegan: one in Massachusetts yet

00:14:05.570 –> 00:14:07.599
Bill Finnegan: identified as an adu.

00:14:07.810 –> 00:14:08.770
Jake Marcus: Okay.

00:14:08.770 –> 00:14:28.319
Bill Finnegan: And just just to clarify. I I don’t want there to be any confusion. The all, all of the projects that we’ve worked on have been with homeowners and not with condo associations. So I don’t. I don’t want to give a misrepresentation to anyone on this call that that this is something that we’ve seen a movement with

00:14:28.360 –> 00:14:30.080
Bill Finnegan: condo or property development.

00:14:30.310 –> 00:14:30.970
Jake Marcus: Got it.

00:14:30.970 –> 00:14:38.599
Stephen Marcus: Have have you done anything with, for example? using the existing space?

00:14:39.945 –> 00:14:43.170
Stephen Marcus: Can you take, for example, a

00:14:43.290 –> 00:14:55.890
Stephen Marcus: 2 or 3 car garage and make that into something or or are you seeing these as additions, separate structures, or within the existing structure?

00:14:55.890 –> 00:15:09.200
Bill Finnegan: These ours have been addition and addition, a a new structure. So they’re not converting a garage. But again, Steven, we’ve been involved in all those projects. But as the under the this adu initiative.

00:15:10.012 –> 00:15:14.190
Bill Finnegan: they’ve been additional space, separate space, detached space

00:15:14.774 –> 00:15:25.125
Bill Finnegan: and the conversion of the attics or the garages or the basements would be more of just a a project that gets done without any

00:15:25.550 –> 00:15:28.160
Bill Finnegan: significant communication to us. So

00:15:28.260 –> 00:15:29.630
Bill Finnegan: if that answers your question.

00:15:29.630 –> 00:15:41.580
Stephen Marcus: And I think the other thing to point out that that Dylan formed us of during our discussions leading up to today were,

00:15:42.190 –> 00:16:11.120
Stephen Marcus: he’s not his company is not selling anything. In other words, his being a a guest is not because he has a direct product that he is looking to sell but rather I assume it’s that he has

00:16:11.556 –> 00:16:32.500
Stephen Marcus: come up with ideas and lumber and and all for contractors and homeowners, etc. Have a place of it being supplied. Do you get involved in like the designs, Bill? Or the people tell you what this is, what we would like to do.

00:16:32.500 –> 00:16:37.959
Bill Finnegan: Yeah, well, we do sell. We do sell all of the materials that are needed for these projects. And what we

00:16:38.940 –> 00:16:42.919
Bill Finnegan: if we’re going to jump ahead a little bit. We we’ve put together some standard

00:16:43.551 –> 00:16:48.270
Bill Finnegan: specs that we can provide to customers to come in.

00:16:48.290 –> 00:16:54.609
Bill Finnegan: and if if if if this, if the layouts and the designs that we have fit there

00:16:55.078 –> 00:16:59.899
Bill Finnegan: exact need they can. We can provide them with stamped drawings

00:17:00.427 –> 00:17:09.939
Bill Finnegan: that, take them through the whole process of, you know. Basically, our primary customers have been Mr. And missus, whoever that want to add this on to their their home.

00:17:10.060 –> 00:17:13.119
Bill Finnegan: for whoever it is, or for an investment.

00:17:13.130 –> 00:17:20.449
Bill Finnegan: and we have the, as you can see in front of us right now. The kitchen design and the the roof truss spec

00:17:20.871 –> 00:17:30.749
Bill Finnegan: the the floor system spec, and we can accelerate or streamline that entire process where they’re basically picking colors. And we’ve lined up contractors.

00:17:30.800 –> 00:17:47.130
Bill Finnegan: We even have a few architects involved. If there needs to be a modification, and that whole process could be, it has. It never has been, but it could be as quick as same day if if they’re ready, and one of our standard designs fits their need perfectly.

00:17:47.928 –> 00:18:10.300
Bill Finnegan: But but you know, Stephen, you said something, and I’m on the panel, so I don’t mean to introduce more questions. But when you, when you took a step backwards, it’s interesting what you were talking about with these condo associations and these developments, because I don’t know if there’s a limit as to how many ad use can be on a property, but it certainly could be a cost, effective way for these

00:18:10.360 –> 00:18:18.020
Bill Finnegan: properties to supplement their income because they don’t have the all of the

00:18:18.610 –> 00:18:31.830
Bill Finnegan: size requirements and the requirements of an additional unit, and then a a development may be able to add on multiple adus as rental income opportunities. So I I

00:18:31.860 –> 00:18:35.060
Bill Finnegan: personally know a few developers. That that’s an interesting

00:18:35.540 –> 00:18:37.730
Bill Finnegan: point that I got out of what you had to say.

00:18:38.980 –> 00:18:42.619
Jake Marcus: Yeah, I think that’s that’s a really good segue into kind of

00:18:43.340 –> 00:18:48.009
Jake Marcus: where we kind of see this being kind of an opportunity for

00:18:48.030 –> 00:18:52.420
Jake Marcus: at least what we’ve been seeing in Massachusetts, and what we’ve been seeing with the Boston pilot program.

00:18:52.968 –> 00:18:58.249
Jake Marcus: An opportunity where there’s a lot more affordable affordable housing.

00:18:58.684 –> 00:19:19.100
Jake Marcus: So before I get to that, I kind of just wanted to talk about actually let me get let me get a little bit to the backdrop of of, you know, or just going back to the the history of how we got to where we are today. The interestingly in the in this Us. Department of housing and urban development case study.

00:19:19.459 –> 00:19:37.790
Jake Marcus: There were 6 programs or 6 case studies of example adus or ordinances and programs that they looked at in the mid 2 thousands. I believe it was 2,000 2,007 or 2,008 or mid to late 2 thousands. And basically there were 3.

00:19:37.920 –> 00:19:39.967
Jake Marcus: So 3 separate

00:19:40.690 –> 00:19:45.750
Jake Marcus: towns within Massachusetts out of 6 that they looked at

00:19:46.520 –> 00:19:48.800
Jake Marcus: that we’re in.

00:19:48.900 –> 00:20:00.730
Jake Marcus: or or 6 programs that they looked at, and 3 were in Massachusetts the other. The 3 that weren’t in Massachusetts were Portland, Oregon, Santa Cruz, California, and Fourier County, Virginia.

00:20:00.740 –> 00:20:07.549
Jake Marcus: The 3 in Massachusetts, were Lexington, Massachusetts.

00:20:07.710 –> 00:20:13.860
Jake Marcus: Barnstall, Mill, Barnsville, Massachusetts, and well fleet Massachusetts. Interestingly enough.

00:20:14.481 –> 00:20:21.109
Jake Marcus: and the way they looked at these 3 regions ranging in in kind of

00:20:21.952 –> 00:20:32.577
Jake Marcus: socio demographic ranging in space. I’m 2 2 on the Cape technically, Barnstable, which, which, consists of a lot of villages.

00:20:33.610 –> 00:20:58.999
Jake Marcus: but Wellfleet, which was considered more kind of a a elderly demographic, and and had a lot more zoning board of appeals, obstacles compared to the other 2. Whereas Lexington has a has a complete complete range of of housing choices and population diversity. So I found that interesting that 3 Massachusetts States already

00:20:59.020 –> 00:21:18.109
Jake Marcus: have had kind of an adu program in place or ordinances in place. That have kind of obviously developed in the State over time. But but have been in place since the early to or mid to late. 2 thousands. Steven, I I know you. You’ve been to Wallfleet a few times. Right.

00:21:19.493 –> 00:21:21.506
Stephen Marcus: Yes, I have. Jake.

00:21:22.010 –> 00:21:25.199
Jake Marcus: Tell me about. Tell me about what you know about wealthy.

00:21:25.600 –> 00:21:26.530
Stephen Marcus: Yeah.

00:21:26.630 –> 00:21:38.203
Stephen Marcus: I I only know about. If you look at a map in Massachusetts, there’s a finger that points out, and it’s

00:21:38.820 –> 00:21:43.050
Stephen Marcus: has water on both sides, and that’s best known as

00:21:43.110 –> 00:21:45.090
Stephen Marcus: Choqueset Neck Road.

00:21:45.090 –> 00:21:45.680
Bill Finnegan: Right here.

00:21:45.680 –> 00:22:05.890
Stephen Marcus: And the the and the issues that the issues are the have been erosion. Heavy erosion issues that have hammered the the shoreline.

00:22:06.460 –> 00:22:08.340
Stephen Marcus: So. But

00:22:08.670 –> 00:22:21.340
Stephen Marcus: the in in our involvement with Wealthley. What’s interesting is that Jake mentioned seniors living in Wealthley.

00:22:21.890 –> 00:22:25.230
Stephen Marcus: the there are

00:22:25.400 –> 00:22:43.760
Stephen Marcus: a lot of people who have homes in Wealthley that they may have owned since 19 sixties, and the houses have gone up dramatically in value. So now you have people coming in tearing down homes, putting up new homes.

00:22:43.760 –> 00:23:03.519
Stephen Marcus: and the town of Wealthy gets gets involved in in those kind of issues. But the other issues are are real estate taxes go up. So what do you do if you bought a house in 1,960 and well, fleet for $30,000 that’s

00:23:03.600 –> 00:23:07.060
Stephen Marcus: sitting on an acre or 2 of land, and is now worth

00:23:07.120 –> 00:23:23.249
Stephen Marcus: 3 million dollars. But your job, let’s say, is a school teacher or firefighter, and you’re you’re never in retirement, and the amount of taxes is too much

00:23:23.250 –> 00:23:47.930
Stephen Marcus: to be affordable. I think that’s where adus may come into play for some people, it may give them ability either, but with extended family or by additional income, for with an adu to be able to stay in wealth late, so that they’re not forced to move out.

00:23:48.522 –> 00:23:51.960
Stephen Marcus: I’m not sure I’ve passed the question you were directed at

00:23:52.340 –> 00:23:56.270
Stephen Marcus: at Jake, but that’s the best answer I can give.

00:23:56.470 –> 00:24:03.410
Bill Finnegan: Well, if I could, if I could just jump in and add on to what you just said, Stephen, in those 2 particular areas. And actually all of the Cape

00:24:04.072 –> 00:24:05.999
Bill Finnegan: you know, a a

00:24:06.515 –> 00:24:28.689
Bill Finnegan: one bedroom unit in well, Fleet during the summer would probably rent for for 8 to $10,000 a week. So I think you’re gonna I I know a fair amount of people that own real estate on the Cape, and they have been very restrictive, certainly, adding on another unit at any structure, was was never going to be allowed. And now, with this

00:24:28.690 –> 00:24:40.639
Bill Finnegan: new adu law, if if they’re able to do that, and they can not move out of their home for the summer or move into this smaller unit for the summer and rent out the big house.

00:24:41.091 –> 00:24:44.110
Bill Finnegan: That’s what I’ve heard from actual homeowners

00:24:44.140 –> 00:24:48.799
Bill Finnegan: of what their thoughts are, what they’re going to do with this in the on the Cape. Specifically.

00:24:49.120 –> 00:24:51.969
Stephen Marcus: Okay? And and I did like, yeah.

00:24:52.406 –> 00:24:56.570
Stephen Marcus: the the graphic you gave of the Massachusetts of the

00:24:57.290 –> 00:24:59.330
Stephen Marcus: You. You’re giving a

00:25:00.350 –> 00:25:04.680
Bill Finnegan: Yes, yes, I’m very familiar with the landscape on the Cape, and I always.

00:25:04.680 –> 00:25:05.950
Stephen Marcus: Definitely. I always offer.

00:25:05.950 –> 00:25:06.889
Bill Finnegan: Visual. Thank you.

00:25:06.890 –> 00:25:31.859
Stephen Marcus: So so some. Sometime after this call Jake and I will get on the phone with you and and talk about our wealth lead experience. It’s sort of an interesting interesting case study in itself. But that’s kind of interesting interesting that somebody who’s say on fixed income or is a modest means in terms of the income

00:25:31.860 –> 00:25:40.349
Stephen Marcus: that they they make with an adu that costs X

00:25:40.350 –> 00:25:45.260
Stephen Marcus: can now have the potential for 13 weeks during the summer

00:25:45.676 –> 00:26:09.809
Stephen Marcus: to charge 8 to $10,000 a week. That’s a game changer in terms of being able to afford the taxes and the cost of living and all that. So you don’t have to move out of the town that you’ve lived at your your whole whole life. if you bought something in 1960,

00:26:09.810 –> 00:26:16.700
Stephen Marcus: it very well could have been for $30,000 dollars. We know of condominiums in Boston.

00:26:16.870 –> 00:26:44.150
Stephen Marcus: Be in the street for 20 or $30,000 back in 1972 and obviously jumped up dramatically. But the the ability of paying the the costs and the cost of living and the taxes this can be a solution for for a bunch of people.

00:26:44.750 –> 00:26:45.159
Jake Marcus: For example.

00:26:45.160 –> 00:26:59.340
Stephen Marcus: Somebody somebody asked, Tell me whether it’s too early for the question. Somebody said somebody asked whether a town can choose to ignore the Massachusetts law?

00:26:59.530 –> 00:27:01.749
Stephen Marcus: I assume the answer is, no.

00:27:03.250 –> 00:27:17.270
Jake Marcus: Can the town choose to ignore the mass? Adu! Law! If if it’s in line with the the footprint and the meets the requirements. I don’t think it can be denied.

00:27:17.681 –> 00:27:34.950
Jake Marcus: I believe under the new law, so adus will not need local zoning approval. Because the U. The unit, or if the units are smaller, of either 900 square feet or half the square footage of the primary home.

00:27:35.582 –> 00:27:55.477
Jake Marcus: And the law also says, no municipality shall unreasonably restrict or require a special permit, or other discretionary zoning approval for the use of land or structures for a single accessory dwelling or rental thereof, and a single family residential zoning district.

00:27:56.080 –> 00:28:12.309
Jake Marcus: the law also says it’s an as, or or to qualify or what properties are eligible has to be as of right, and it has to meet the following requirements, what which are the adu must be built within the existing footprint of the main main home.

00:28:12.450 –> 00:28:17.740
Jake Marcus: which means you cannot extend any part of the existing home for the sole purpose of converting it to an adu

00:28:18.105 –> 00:28:41.220
Jake Marcus: the primary structure must be a single family home duplex or triplex you must occupy the same home in which the adu is built, and if you intend on building a basement or 1st floor. Adu! The structure must be above the base flood elevation. If your home and is in the fema flood zone. So those are kind of the parameters that would provide the backdrop.

00:28:42.500 –> 00:29:03.019
Stephen Marcus: So so you have to comply with the no, you can’t. say that as a municipality you can’t say no, we’re not going to comply with that. But, Jake, you’re saying that the there are

00:29:03.320 –> 00:29:08.069
Stephen Marcus: certain areas where the law says

00:29:08.230 –> 00:29:10.970
Stephen Marcus: that a town does not have to

00:29:11.080 –> 00:29:15.520
Stephen Marcus: allow certain expansions on the on the property.

00:29:15.997 –> 00:29:39.062
Stephen Marcus: But but basically the answer is that you have to comply with the law. But that does not mean that every homeowner who comes to a town with an idea, for example, to take up every square inch of the of the lot with with ad use can do that, that they must comply with the law.

00:29:39.460 –> 00:30:02.639
Jake Marcus: Yeah. So so I still think, if if it was subject to an inspectional services department Review. There are still other requirements within an adu is required to have everything required for independent living, which includes full utilities, full kitchen, full bathroom, bedroom, or sleeping area, with an emergency egress at least 2 means of egress.

00:30:02.680 –> 00:30:07.090
Jake Marcus: ceiling, height of at least 7 feet 6 inches for a duplex or triplex.

00:30:07.662 –> 00:30:13.857
Jake Marcus: Home, adding an adu and 7 foot for a single family home, adding an adu.

00:30:14.850 –> 00:30:21.234
Jake Marcus: so I think, yeah, I mean, you’d still be subject to those requirements.

00:30:21.730 –> 00:30:30.232
Jake Marcus: but yeah, as far as far as I mean how I read the may not unreasonably restrict or prohibit.

00:30:31.140 –> 00:30:46.610
Jake Marcus: I I kind of see that as you don’t need to now apply for a special permit, or or th. There’s basically less less kind of I guess there’s way to put it hoops and ladders to jump through to get approval of these.

00:30:47.980 –> 00:30:48.670
Bill Finnegan: If I.

00:30:48.670 –> 00:30:50.270
Stephen Marcus: And we could, yeah.

00:30:50.270 –> 00:30:52.790
Bill Finnegan: What we. What we’ve seen is

00:30:52.800 –> 00:30:54.690
Bill Finnegan: for the single family

00:30:55.690 –> 00:31:06.100
Bill Finnegan: homeowners, for them to turn their home into a 2 family unit was, if not, if not impossible, very

00:31:06.550 –> 00:31:19.340
Bill Finnegan: laborious, to get through the process. This this allows them to by right have that right but it but you. Still there was one question that came up about. Excuse me, setbacks.

00:31:19.950 –> 00:31:23.839
Bill Finnegan: the adu laws that we that the way we understand it.

00:31:24.267 –> 00:31:27.842
Bill Finnegan: It, doesn’t you? You can’t if you want to

00:31:28.320 –> 00:31:54.669
Bill Finnegan: infringe on a setback requirement. You have to go to zoning and and planning, and you have to go through that entire process. So it doesn’t allow you to increase your your zoning lot coverage or setbacks, or any of those issues that need to be dealt with. The adu doesn’t alleviate any of that. But if you don’t have a setback issue and you don’t have a lot coverage issue by right, you’re able to add this second

00:31:54.690 –> 00:32:14.660
Bill Finnegan: dwelling unit on your property. And and I think that Boston, this one that you have up right now, Jake. So this is saying, it needs to be from existing space. Most of the ones that we’ve had experience with has been existing additional space, so that I don’t know. I don’t know if that’s

00:32:14.880 –> 00:32:21.160
Bill Finnegan: specific in Boston, if that’s that’s what you’ve seen, or if that’s mass

00:32:21.430 –> 00:32:22.720
Bill Finnegan: wide, I’m not sure. Yeah.

00:32:22.720 –> 00:32:34.849
Jake Marcus: Yeah. So so I did want to get into yeah, there there are. There’s the Boston Pilot program, as well as the Massachusetts law, which basically says.

00:32:35.364 –> 00:32:43.900
Jake Marcus: As far as yeah in law apartments adus are now legal in all Massachusetts single family zones.

00:32:44.292 –> 00:33:01.490
Jake Marcus: And and yeah, that that’s where the the new law provides that you know the the No zoning ordinance, or shall prohibit or unreasonably restrict or require a special permit. We did get a question about the cost to the unit owner.

00:33:02.066 –> 00:33:10.789
Jake Marcus: So as as kind of just a very generic baseline as far as what do you? What can you do to

00:33:10.860 –> 00:33:12.230
Jake Marcus: to kind of

00:33:14.377 –> 00:33:17.740
Jake Marcus: provide for some type of

00:33:17.820 –> 00:33:29.190
Jake Marcus: restrict or not regulation rather than I’m not gonna say, restrict or or prohibit. But how do you regulate the the inclusion of

00:33:30.720 –> 00:33:36.239
Jake Marcus: an adu, or the addition of an adu probably

00:33:36.370 –> 00:33:52.750
Jake Marcus: the most the most simple answer or the most generic advice that I could give. Obviously, we’re trying to cast a wide net. And and if you’re seeking specific legal advice. It’s important to ask counsel about the specifics of that that requirement. But as it relates to

00:33:54.400 –> 00:34:12.360
Jake Marcus: figuring out how to regulate adus, I would say you want to. Amend your bylaws, amend the amend. Your governing documents, and kind of add in rules and regulations, as it relates to common areas. As to who’s responsible for paying.

00:34:12.360 –> 00:34:32.309
Jake Marcus: And you know, if if you need a new electrical service or a new walkway as long as it’s then the footprint of the adu from my, from my understanding. If this is happening within a, if if it has to relate to the common areas that would be outside the footprint of what an adu requires.

00:34:32.400 –> 00:34:35.400
Jake Marcus: But if it adds on to the electrical service

00:34:35.840 –> 00:34:48.800
Jake Marcus: I believe if there’s a way to equitably apportion the the costs, then, yeah, that those should be the be borne by the unit owner, Steven. What do you think about that? That’s an interesting question.

00:34:50.400 –> 00:34:58.390
Stephen Marcus: Yeah, I think I I think the Boston pilot program is gonna be a little different, because Boston is sort of crunch for space.

00:34:58.390 –> 00:35:23.370
Stephen Marcus: So it’s it makes perfect sense that there are lots of areas in Boston where expanding up and out isn’t possible. But let’s say that you go to some of the areas in possibly southeast Dorchester where? Where there might be a a little more land.

00:35:23.370 –> 00:35:28.730
Stephen Marcus: It would seem that if there were, if you were constructing

00:35:30.812 –> 00:35:35.920
Stephen Marcus: an adu which requires more

00:35:36.280 –> 00:35:51.839
Stephen Marcus: costs because of utility service or because it’s serving more people. I think that it would be possible to allocate the cost to to the to the owner.

00:35:51.890 –> 00:35:56.719
Stephen Marcus: but I think to take a again to take a step back on this.

00:35:57.240 –> 00:36:00.169
Stephen Marcus: I’m going on the assumption that

00:36:00.240 –> 00:36:02.059
Stephen Marcus: in most cases

00:36:02.160 –> 00:36:06.850
Stephen Marcus: the current, if it’s a Condominium versus the Homeowner Association

00:36:06.900 –> 00:36:12.819
Stephen Marcus: or Property Owners Association or Landowners Association.

00:36:13.420 –> 00:36:16.840
Stephen Marcus: That in most Condominiums in Massachusetts

00:36:17.270 –> 00:36:33.139
Stephen Marcus: most documents would wouldn’t permit the adus, and therefore, if there were an ability of owners to amend the documents to permit them.

00:36:33.788 –> 00:36:47.009
Stephen Marcus: They could also say that it will be conditioned upon any increased costs being allocated to the unit owner who creates the the adu.

00:36:47.300 –> 00:36:55.889
Stephen Marcus: So I think I I think for most of the people on the call. If you’re dealing with managing a condominium

00:36:55.930 –> 00:37:14.450
Stephen Marcus: right now. If somebody said, Oh, I’m gonna build out and do an adu I think the answer in most cases is, gonna be you’re not allowed to do that. The documents don’t don’t permit it. I think over time.

00:37:15.010 –> 00:37:32.419
Stephen Marcus: state government, and maybe in sprawling suburbs that more thought will be given to amending documents to to permit us. Speaking of which.

00:37:32.840 –> 00:37:37.612
Stephen Marcus: Sheikh somebody asking that from Berkshire is asking a question

00:37:39.020 –> 00:37:53.129
Stephen Marcus: and particular person wants to go into a deep, deeper dive in terms of what this new law does. It sounds like the person might live or have an adu

00:37:53.835 –> 00:38:13.199
Stephen Marcus: in a place in the Berkshires, and the problem is that, without the adu, the ability to stay in the town would be very difficult and wants to have a take a deeper dive with you on it. So I would suggest to that person, if you

00:38:13.260 –> 00:38:16.170
Stephen Marcus: email Jake at the

00:38:16.614 –> 00:38:20.340
Stephen Marcus: alright. But is your cell phone okay, Jake?

00:38:20.850 –> 00:38:21.850
Jake Marcus: Go right ahead!

00:38:22.300 –> 00:38:40.029
Stephen Marcus: Okay? it’s property man, condominium manager. But it sounds like the circumstances are personal. Jake cell is 508-33-6416, and the person asking the question about

00:38:40.030 –> 00:39:01.250
Stephen Marcus: their issue in the in in the Berkshires, where they want to have the ability to have the the adu. That’s the only way of staying in in that community. Jake would be happy to speak to you at no charge and talk as long as you would like.

00:39:03.230 –> 00:39:30.339
Jake Marcus: Absolutely happy to. And we’ll also include, yeah, we’ll include the requirements and kind of the process that I’ve been describing. I did want to get to back to the in the. So so just to kind of lay the picture. Yeah, in in in Boston. Obviously a a kind of increased housing costs not much real estate left.

00:39:30.830 –> 00:39:44.799
Jake Marcus: There was Mayor Wu’s kind of pilot program which has already launched about 130 adus. And there’s there’s supposedly a hundred or so on the way.

00:39:45.570 –> 00:39:53.518
Jake Marcus: and yeah, I I think the biggest thing is that this is kind of a way to

00:39:53.960 –> 00:40:17.029
Jake Marcus: increase the efficiency and effectiveness of living. And I do want to get to. Cai Community Association Institute best practices just so, you know, a a majority of our attendees are are condo affiliated hoa, affiliated in one way or another, so as it relates to

00:40:17.190 –> 00:40:41.270
Jake Marcus: what Cai has stated as their best practices, Cai supports the right of community associations to determine if adu should be permitted. Cai supports legislation that recognizes the core principle of self-governance and equitable sharing of common property and the expenses necessary to operate the community association housing model.

00:40:41.993 –> 00:40:49.566
Jake Marcus: While simultaneously permitting, but not mandating, that affordable housing be constructed on on single family lots.

00:40:50.040 –> 00:41:14.639
Jake Marcus: so so yeah, the the definitely the the core principles of of kind, of allowing autonomy, self governance, while also allowing for equitable sharing, as as one of our our attendees had a question about, how do you? How do you divvy up the the cost of of common property and expenses? What we’ve been seeing a lot, some some other

00:41:14.730 –> 00:41:29.653
Jake Marcus: kind of similar analogies that I we’ve seen big developments in are the advent of electrical vehicles the advent of I I think, Bill, we were talking about solar panels.

00:41:30.150 –> 00:41:35.269
Jake Marcus: and, Bill, do you want to kind of discuss what you’ve what you’ve seen with solar panels a little bit.

00:41:36.300 –> 00:41:43.279
Bill Finnegan: Well, when we were discussing the requirements for for new construction, we were talking about their

00:41:44.180 –> 00:41:45.360
Bill Finnegan: What what

00:41:45.430 –> 00:41:57.419
Bill Finnegan: some requirements are, and and one of them that we’ve seen, and I assume it’s the same in Massachusetts, but certainly it is the case in Rhode Island, where you have to prewire, the home

00:41:57.440 –> 00:42:09.640
Bill Finnegan: for future solar panels on the roof and for electrical charging in the garage for electric vehicle, and also

00:42:09.981 –> 00:42:18.659
Bill Finnegan: for all of your fixtures, even if even if you’re going. If even if the owner wants gas, for example, a gas stove or a gas dryer.

00:42:18.810 –> 00:42:21.440
Bill Finnegan: they have to pre-wire for electric.

00:42:21.450 –> 00:42:22.010
Bill Finnegan: I

00:42:22.710 –> 00:42:29.369
Bill Finnegan: appliances. So it’s just an additional requirement that even if the homeowner doesn’t want that in their home.

00:42:29.490 –> 00:42:33.370
Bill Finnegan: it’s an expense that they have to incur and and meet that requirement.

00:42:33.830 –> 00:42:36.780
Stephen Marcus: And and I think where this all loops in is

00:42:37.100 –> 00:42:42.460
Stephen Marcus: again, think of us as predicting the future.

00:42:44.400 –> 00:42:55.829
Stephen Marcus: I, at least have been doing this long enough to know that. If Cai, national or international, has a best practice and public policy

00:42:55.890 –> 00:42:57.770
Stephen Marcus: about adus

00:42:58.498 –> 00:43:12.770
Stephen Marcus: and if my experience has been over the decades that restrictions that may start as mandates for cities and towns.

00:43:13.655 –> 00:43:18.729
Stephen Marcus: What happens over time is that

00:43:18.740 –> 00:43:20.060
Stephen Marcus: government

00:43:20.130 –> 00:43:33.679
Stephen Marcus: gets to the point where they start to impose or attempt to impose restrictions on private communities, such as condominiums and and homeowner associations.

00:43:33.780 –> 00:43:43.810
Stephen Marcus: and therefore, I think the importance of what Bill pointed out to us in our discussions about this program

00:43:43.810 –> 00:44:08.269
Stephen Marcus: is, it’s happened with solar panels. Massachusetts has a law basically saying that you can’t restrict solar panels. So we would say that that would only be unlimited common elements. It happened with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, with the Federal Government with satellite dishes, saying, You can’t restrict satellite dishes on an owner’s exclusive use deck

00:44:09.032 –> 00:44:33.809
Stephen Marcus: it’s happened with accessibility. Issues. with the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1,988 stating that even though it’s a private agreement that the Association may have to make reasonable modifications or accommodations to people within the community. So I don’t think it’s all that far fetched

00:44:34.080 –> 00:44:36.210
Stephen Marcus: to envision

00:44:36.410 –> 00:44:39.190
Stephen Marcus: government coming up with a

00:44:39.400 –> 00:45:05.869
Stephen Marcus: potential law on a State or Federal level dealing with accessory dwelling units. Because of the critical shortage of of housing stock. And that’s why Cai has spent a lot of time coming up with a policy saying we understand the merits of adus.

00:45:06.060 –> 00:45:11.280
Stephen Marcus: But there’s a balance between the merits of adus and balancing

00:45:11.340 –> 00:45:30.939
Stephen Marcus: our rights to self governing our communities as the owners who bought into the communities want. So it’s a bit delicate balance. But I I think our prediction is that at some point, if we’re seeing this at a town level at some point, we may be seeing it at a condominium level pro price restriction.

00:45:31.090 –> 00:45:52.310
Jake Marcus: And and yeah, that’s I mean all of these developments. I mean a to use electric vehicles, solar panels birdo and energy efficiency in Boston, all huge huge issues or not huge issues, but huge developments in in the Condo world. And yeah, I think just, I mean, we do have a lot of

00:45:52.826 –> 00:46:17.219
Jake Marcus: community association or condo attendees. So involvement with Cai is also a a plug that we we like to give on these these webinars for the New England chapter you can reach out to or go to caine.org reach out to Claudette Carini, our our executive director, c carini@caany.org

00:46:17.370 –> 00:46:46.099
Jake Marcus: and happy to kind of Claudette has helped a lot with some of the recent legislation which includes electronic voting in Massachusetts as well. A shout out to Peter, Peter Westhaver, Matt Gaines and Scott Erickson for also helping out to anchor that that new development electronic voting which we have had. We we did a previous Marcus hour on electric

00:46:46.120 –> 00:46:49.939
Jake Marcus: voting. But but so if you want to talk about that.

00:46:49.980 –> 00:46:52.759
Jake Marcus: I’m happy to discuss that. But I digress

00:46:53.560 –> 00:47:05.690
Stephen Marcus: In in with the digression. One thing that we can do because we tend to. Least I do. To go off on tangents after tangent is

00:47:05.890 –> 00:47:07.220
Stephen Marcus: next week

00:47:07.240 –> 00:47:10.650
Stephen Marcus: you will receive anybody who registered

00:47:10.740 –> 00:47:12.440
Stephen Marcus: or receive

00:47:12.530 –> 00:47:14.320
Stephen Marcus: a copy of the Powerpoint

00:47:15.237 –> 00:47:35.669
Stephen Marcus: so we’ll have bills, information, and everything from the Powerpoint screens, as well as answers to the questions that were asked, either during this past hour or A couple of questions came in

00:47:35.750 –> 00:47:40.050
Stephen Marcus: prior to the the the seminar

00:47:40.596 –> 00:47:58.959
Stephen Marcus: we’ll give all registrants answers to those. And then for the person in the Berkshires ideal is that feel free to speak to Jake, and he’ll go into as much detail as possible

00:47:58.970 –> 00:48:16.429
Stephen Marcus: on adus. And there are, there are real life and philosophical issues in terms of such as the person from Berkshire saying it might be the only way for some people to stay in the town

00:48:16.812 –> 00:48:30.959
Stephen Marcus: and that’s meritorious. So there’s a bunch of information that will provide you that you’ll get next week. If we didn’t answer your questions today, I know we still have a little bit of time left.

00:48:30.960 –> 00:48:35.790
Jake Marcus: Oh, we still have 12 min, Stephen. You you wanna try to answer all all the questions right now.

00:48:36.483 –> 00:48:39.549
Stephen Marcus: I I tried to, as we were talking

00:48:40.180 –> 00:48:40.910
Stephen Marcus: alright.

00:48:41.520 –> 00:48:47.059
Stephen Marcus: I I want. I I want us to name another city and see if Bill can make a yeah.

00:48:47.170 –> 00:48:50.880
Stephen Marcus: a a mock up of it.

00:48:51.880 –> 00:48:53.480
Jake Marcus: Maybe Florida.

00:48:53.971 –> 00:49:05.259
Jake Marcus: So yeah, that’s a good segue actually to to Florida, maybe do like one of these. But no. So I I did want to get to the States that we practice in.

00:49:05.260 –> 00:49:07.120
Stephen Marcus: What what did you just do, Jake?

00:49:07.640 –> 00:49:09.792
Jake Marcus: Like a Florida wing.

00:49:10.888 –> 00:49:17.591
Stephen Marcus: The frame isn’t big enough to get the full picture. But okay.

00:49:18.150 –> 00:49:23.950
Jake Marcus: We’ve gone completely off the rails. So, Florida, I I did want to say, yeah. Massachusetts

00:49:23.960 –> 00:49:30.109
Jake Marcus: just passed this as of the what this month earlier in August.

00:49:30.110 –> 00:49:36.879
Stephen Marcus: Oh, the yeah. Last, I think what I think. It was the last day of July.

00:49:37.240 –> 00:50:04.826
Jake Marcus: Right. And and so we went over Massachusetts. No zoning ordinance or bylaw shall prohibit unreasonably restrict or acquire a special permit. It’s an as of right. So there needs to be specific. You have to already have specific area already designated. You can’t add an addition to your property. Hoa condo town home and try to expand an adu off into the property.

00:50:05.590 –> 00:50:06.800
Jake Marcus: Now.

00:50:07.320 –> 00:50:08.420
Jake Marcus: Rhode Island.

00:50:08.807 –> 00:50:11.180
Jake Marcus: That’s only been a few months as well right, Bill.

00:50:11.990 –> 00:50:12.930
Bill Finnegan: That’s correct.

00:50:13.150 –> 00:50:19.119
Bill Finnegan: Well, no, no. The the new development in Rhode Island is that

00:50:19.160 –> 00:50:32.879
Bill Finnegan: it does not need to be a family member or the the adus were approved a couple of years ago, but the the limitation was it could only be a a family member that occupied the adu. Now, now it’s opened up to

00:50:32.970 –> 00:50:36.009
Bill Finnegan: non-family members and rental income opportunities.

00:50:36.420 –> 00:50:41.423
Jake Marcus: Okay, okay, yeah. So so similar, that makes sense. Got it.

00:50:42.210 –> 00:51:03.440
Jake Marcus: and and yeah, so that’s been around for a few months. Or or the new development has been around for a few months. As to single family. Now New Hampshire municipal control required by State Maine is the opposite State law allows community associations to prohibit and regulate.

00:51:05.280 –> 00:51:07.931
Jake Marcus: I’m not sure when that was codified

00:51:08.610 –> 00:51:11.099
Jake Marcus: The one that I found interesting is Florida.

00:51:11.822 –> 00:51:14.590
Jake Marcus: This has been statutorily

00:51:15.458 –> 00:51:24.289
Jake Marcus: under section 1, 6, 3, dot 3, 1, 7, 7, 1 since 2,004.

00:51:24.300 –> 00:51:29.718
Jake Marcus: So it’s been around for quite a while. And there’s been changes to it.

00:51:30.665 –> 00:51:35.539
Jake Marcus: up until the the most recent revision was 2020. I want to show you.

00:51:35.580 –> 00:51:47.390
Jake Marcus: So I’ve been able to read off the statute for most States. This is the statute it’s kind of. That’s the whole statute, or or all the language in the statute for Florida. It’s a full page

00:51:47.540 –> 00:51:58.270
Jake Marcus: of wording, so it it tries to really jam. Pack everything in there. Even the beginning of the statute reads the legislative. I mean, it’s

00:51:58.270 –> 00:52:19.030
Jake Marcus: I don’t know why they would even include this. The legislator finds that the median price of homes in this State has increased steadily over the last decade and at a greater rate of increase than the median income. In many urban areas the legislator finds that the cost of rental housing has also increased steadily. It goes on about that kind of information.

00:52:19.920 –> 00:52:30.859
Jake Marcus: yeah, I I find it to be a little bit verbose as far as just providing the background to everything that’s that’s occurred, and and and

00:52:31.100 –> 00:52:36.730
Jake Marcus: providing more affordability in single family in in zoned areas.

00:52:37.150 –> 00:52:44.850
Stephen Marcus: Sometimes shake the importance of those emergency preambles that you’re that you were reading.

00:52:44.860 –> 00:53:07.885
Stephen Marcus: and that’s the difference of generations. I I think, in terms of that. That one pages is too much these days for you young folks, I know all the time, you say. You say by typing lol versus laughing out loud. But the emergency preambles. Yeah, on that long one page.

00:53:08.320 –> 00:53:09.040
Jake Marcus: Those alarm.

00:53:09.040 –> 00:53:17.499
Stephen Marcus: For constitutional challenges, because if there’s an emergency related to the reason, for

00:53:17.500 –> 00:53:42.960
Stephen Marcus: for example, controlling rents when we had rent control in Massachusetts, impairing with existing contracts etc. Sometimes fear better if that kind of emergency language is there. I I’m just guessing as to what the Florida Legislature may have been told by the attorneys at the the Florida State House.

00:53:43.270 –> 00:53:48.679
Jake Marcus: Perhaps I mean, I’ll show you another graphic, the the Condo Act in Florida.

00:53:48.810 –> 00:53:51.120
Jake Marcus: This is the one in Florida.

00:53:52.120 –> 00:53:53.170
Jake Marcus: It’s about

00:53:54.000 –> 00:53:59.390
Jake Marcus: few is that we had to get a thing to bind it compared to Massachusetts.

00:54:01.540 –> 00:54:02.740
Stephen Marcus: That is a lot.

00:54:02.740 –> 00:54:03.989
Jake Marcus: Lot, more dense

00:54:04.300 –> 00:54:05.460
Jake Marcus: condo act.

00:54:05.720 –> 00:54:07.674
Stephen Marcus: I I think we would need.

00:54:08.120 –> 00:54:12.259
Stephen Marcus: yeah, I would need you and Bill to help me carry a copy of that. That looks right.

00:54:12.260 –> 00:54:13.559
Jake Marcus: Think that’s yeah. Throw my.

00:54:14.190 –> 00:54:17.340
Stephen Marcus: Well, by so many laws.

00:54:17.638 –> 00:54:26.001
Jake Marcus: We did get a question, though, does the owner need to re back to Massachusetts? Does the owner need to reside in the adu or the primary home.

00:54:26.310 –> 00:54:27.990
Jake Marcus: from what I understand.

00:54:28.597 –> 00:54:34.672
Jake Marcus: There are laws that require occupants to be related to the property owner.

00:54:35.180 –> 00:54:38.050
Jake Marcus: but the State law does not have that restriction.

00:54:38.481 –> 00:54:51.479
Jake Marcus: So it allows a to use on properties not occupied the owner as long as the adu only has one parking space allotted to it. That’s that’s my understanding of the of that requirement.

00:54:51.480 –> 00:55:12.680
Stephen Marcus: And then there was another another question, where somebody said, Well, gee! On reasonable modifications in Massachusetts such as putting a ramp so that the residents can get into a a unit down into the Massachusetts Fair Housing Law.

00:55:12.690 –> 00:55:32.559
Stephen Marcus: The Condominium Association is responsible for the cost. If it’s reasonable. The person asking the question said, Well, gee, I think that for adus any additional cost should be that of the unit owner not the association, and I think the answer would be that we agree.

00:55:33.414 –> 00:55:51.780
Stephen Marcus: but be careful if you go from adu into reasonable modifications with things such as ramps and the like. The Lyra is pretty pretty clear in Massachusetts that the Association pays the cost for the modifications to the common areas.

00:55:53.180 –> 00:56:01.469
Jake Marcus: Yes, and so I wanted to. Let’s spend the last few minutes just going over. So the the

00:56:01.620 –> 00:56:16.600
Jake Marcus: the Boston pilot program it it does, or even Massachusetts. I I believe the law will require homeowners to go through kind of a process from start to finish, which includes as a design permitting reviews and construction.

00:56:17.154 –> 00:56:34.850
Jake Marcus: That’s kind of where Coventry lumber and the Finecco family of lumber yards can kind of assist with this process this, this would be more for I mean, I guess if you are the the board you may want to be

00:56:35.720 –> 00:56:36.810
Jake Marcus: somewhat.

00:56:36.960 –> 00:56:45.190
Jake Marcus: I mean if you if you have, if you have rules and regulations, or if you have amended the the governing documents to allow for

00:56:45.280 –> 00:56:47.177
Jake Marcus: regulation of adus

00:56:48.380 –> 00:57:01.570
Jake Marcus: the tricky part is, if it’s happening with any unit. But anyways, this I wanted to go through the adu process as as Bill kind of sees it? So those those interested in building an adu.

00:57:01.570 –> 00:57:03.800
Stephen Marcus: I I thought Bill was leaving.

00:57:05.011 –> 00:57:06.659
Jake Marcus: Too. Yeah, no, Mike.

00:57:06.660 –> 00:57:11.334
Bill Finnegan: My! My, my, my! It fell! The the plug fell out of the wall. I apologize for that.

00:57:11.580 –> 00:57:11.970
Jake Marcus: Huh!

00:57:11.970 –> 00:57:12.730
Stephen Marcus: So good.

00:57:13.490 –> 00:57:37.050
Jake Marcus: So those those interested in building an adu on their property will, they’ll receive phonet codes for basic design packets containing elevations, basic dimensions, floor plans and basic kitchen design. Once a design is chosen for Netco will provide the customer with full prints. Engineering stamps, kitchen layouts, material. Take off in product packets, so that the selection process can begin

00:57:37.649 –> 00:57:49.890
Jake Marcus: and then Finetco will will put the con customer in contact with one of their preferred contractors who are familiar with this process, and and can kind of provide timelines to put this in place.

00:57:51.250 –> 00:57:56.350
Jake Marcus: so that’s kind of the general rundown bill. You want to add anything as to kind of the process that you’ve seen.

00:57:56.350 –> 00:58:10.049
Bill Finnegan: No, that that’s basically the process. And again, most of our interaction has been with either contractors doing building an adu, or primarily homeowners that didn’t have a good handle as to how to go about

00:58:10.596 –> 00:58:35.180
Bill Finnegan: approaching this. And we we wanted to streamline the entire process like it. We said, with these 4 basic designs, whether whether anyone actually builds one of those 4 or not or not is really it doesn’t matter to us. But if it happens to fit with what they’re looking for. It’s a very quick, easy process, and we take a lot of the unknown for

00:58:35.180 –> 00:58:46.869
Bill Finnegan: the the homeowners to to get to a building permit in a much quicker process than typically on a on a new home build. So we’re just trying to automate that and add some

00:58:46.890 –> 00:58:50.480
Bill Finnegan: value in in that process, and make it easier.

00:58:51.390 –> 00:58:52.360
Jake Marcus: Excellent

00:58:52.899 –> 00:59:02.959
Jake Marcus: and I included a couple of just couple of the design sketches that you’ll see. This looks to be a Mini house, 2 bed, Van and laundry.

00:59:03.690 –> 00:59:17.510
Bill Finnegan: Yeah. So that’s that’s the kitchen and bathroom, you know. That’s the detail that can be provided to to give the the unit owner a visual of what? What their kitchen and what their bathrooms are gonna look like. And you typically see that on a home build. And

00:59:17.640 –> 00:59:21.699
Bill Finnegan: normally, that takes time to develop what you’re looking at right now.

00:59:22.292 –> 00:59:31.740
Bill Finnegan: And whether or not again, whether or not that’s exactly what someone wants or not. If if it happens to fit with what they’re looking for it. The process is done, and we can. We can

00:59:31.820 –> 00:59:34.270
Bill Finnegan: issue drawings same day

00:59:35.330 –> 00:59:37.430
Bill Finnegan: if if someone needs something like that.

00:59:37.730 –> 01:00:01.625
Jake Marcus: So yeah, you can see, there’s kind of a lot of it’s it looks very you know. You can see that there’s a there’s a lot of detail. In these designs. So yeah, basically, I mean, as I mentioned before, you know, you wanna make sure this includes the full utilities. Full kitchen, full bathroom, bedroom, 2 means of egress. So you can kind of pack all this in to

01:00:02.030 –> 01:00:04.480
Jake Marcus: to this. To this area, which is.

01:00:04.550 –> 01:00:08.450
Jake Marcus: which is, I guess, the I guess, the goal of the adu program.

01:00:10.040 –> 01:00:11.909
Stephen Marcus: And and I’m assuming that

01:00:12.890 –> 01:00:14.789
Stephen Marcus: Panetco has

01:00:14.890 –> 01:00:27.269
Stephen Marcus: done these designs based on what cities and towns in in Rhode Island and the and now, Massachusetts typically would approve. But I but I assume that

01:00:27.340 –> 01:00:43.149
Stephen Marcus: Bill would advise somebody looking into this process of adding an adu I assume that you advise them, or the contractor to 1st go to the

01:00:43.290 –> 01:01:11.779
Stephen Marcus: town building inspector of any permits that are are needed just to make sure that whatever’s being done. For example, we mentioned, if there were problems with setback and all that that the you can’t just build anything on the property. There’s still certain guidelines that the city of town might might have some say in. But now the city of town has less, say in terms of they can’t just deny an adu.

01:01:12.400 –> 01:01:15.329
Bill Finnegan: Yeah, our our involvement is not to

01:01:15.420 –> 01:01:27.389
Bill Finnegan: circumvent any local authority as to what restrictions they may have in place. Our understanding is the this. All this new law just allows homeowners

01:01:27.420 –> 01:01:49.750
Bill Finnegan: to add an an additional dwelling unit on their property. But you know the electrical requirements and the and in in Rhode Island we have a lot of septic systems that has to be taken into consideration, certainly setbacks. And and if there’s restrictions of the aesthetics of the build of of an addition in a certain development that has to be met with. So yeah, there’s a

01:01:50.170 –> 01:01:55.500
Bill Finnegan: we’re trying to take it from when you know that you can build one

01:01:55.590 –> 01:02:03.310
Bill Finnegan: and streamline that process. But everything you just talked about Steven absolutely has to be considered and looked into and qualified, and

01:02:03.410 –> 01:02:05.200
Bill Finnegan: nothing that we’re doing

01:02:05.390 –> 01:02:08.450
Bill Finnegan: supersedes or or eliminates that need.

01:02:11.960 –> 01:02:12.840
Stephen Marcus: Excellent.

01:02:13.160 –> 01:02:18.969
Stephen Marcus: Jake. You want to wrap it up. But again we’ll send everybody the Powerpoint.

01:02:19.521 –> 01:02:22.889
Stephen Marcus: Jake, you’re saving the chat for the

01:02:23.080 –> 01:02:35.164
Stephen Marcus: for answering the questions and answers. Oh, the questions will provide answers and you should re registrants should receive that

01:02:36.630 –> 01:02:39.000
Stephen Marcus: sometime next week.

01:02:41.060 –> 01:02:50.960
Stephen Marcus: and if you have any. if you have any topics for future

01:02:51.020 –> 01:03:14.540
Stephen Marcus: webinars this one was a a little different than others that we’ve done, and that it’s sort of futuristic. Yeah, in terms of something that has just passed as a requirement for cities and towns. And our prediction is at some point will become an issue that condominium Associations and Homeowners Associations

01:03:15.390 –> 01:03:28.999
Stephen Marcus: may have to deal with as well. But if you have any issues that you’d like to have as a topic of future monthly webinars. Please let us know.

01:03:29.210 –> 01:03:57.650
Jake Marcus: Yup, so feel free to send over any feedback, any questions, any further insight. And this is our, this is our contact information and Bill Bill Finnegan, and his team, Ryan Finnegan, and Dan Lacroix Bill. We appreciate the time we appreciate your help in putting together, this presentation would have been lost trying to figure it out myself. So I really appreciate it and appreciate the help.

01:03:57.900 –> 01:03:59.779
Bill Finnegan: Thanks for involving us. We appreciate it.

01:04:00.290 –> 01:04:01.370
Jake Marcus: Absolutely

01:04:01.480 –> 01:04:07.899
Jake Marcus: alright. Everyone have a good rest of your day and remainder of the week, and and, Bill, I’ll see you in Saratoga.

01:04:07.900 –> 01:04:10.589
Bill Finnegan: Yes, you will. Thanks very much. Thanks, Steven.

01:04:11.200 –> 01:04:12.029
Stephen Marcus: Thank you, Bill.

01:04:19.920 –> 01:04:21.225
Stephen Marcus: Yeah. We saw.

01:04:22.590 –> 01:04:26.579
Stephen Marcus: yeah, we still have a bunch of people in the in the room.

01:04:27.420 –> 01:04:28.100
Bill Finnegan: Okay.

01:04:28.350 –> 01:04:32.070
Bill Finnegan: so you just we just gonna disconnect, are we all set guys? Yeah.

01:04:32.240 –> 01:04:33.389
Jake Marcus: I can just end it. Yeah.

01:04:33.390 –> 01:04:36.170
Stephen Marcus: Yeah, unless Jake wants to.

01:04:36.370 –> 01:04:41.390
Stephen Marcus: Restarted to to go over anything privately, or are we all set.



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